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Words spoken over the River Since 2001-2021

1. Healing Pool
2. Hospitality/Generosity (finances/business)
3. Worship Anointing
4. Teaching
5. Growth/Evangelism
6. Prophetic/Visitation
7. Bringing People into Freedom/Fathers & Mothers/Inner healing
8. Children – working/revivalists
9. House of Leaders/training up & releasing
10. Prayer & Intercession
11. The River/Unity/The Nations



First, let’s review for some -- and for others it will be a first time hearing -- the things that have been spoken over this House. As I read out these words, I want you to allow the HS to touch you and when you hear something that is for YOU, let it prompt you. Let an AMEN be shouted. Let your YES resound! Listen to hear what’s been spoken over the River and CLAIM your inheritance. Participate in the legacy. BE BOLD to say, "THAT’S ME!" 


A place that will be known for praying for the sick and seeing the sick HEALED! Miracles happen. The Lord is going to expand this house and make it a place where others are going to come to receive, to learn, to be healed. There is a well of healing in this house and that well is going to open up in a greater way.

The Lord is going to give you more baskets filled with fruit for you to give, for you are going to be the lender in the time of need, and will many borrow your land, when many are in need, you have, and your storehouse are going to full for many.

A place of Generosity: A place of Financial blessings: We will be a people who steward God’s finances well, and because of that He has promised that He will in turn give us more! We will bless and support those in the marketplace.

For the leaders in this house/leaders in business also, STAND: Do not look at circumstances or even your financial ability to do things, because many times it's the financial ability that can keep you from advancing and moving forward. The Lord says ‘I am the one who owns the gold and the silver. Do I not own the cattle on a thousand hills? Don’t I have the treasures of heaven? Don’t I have the keys to everything? The Lord says to ‘LOOK AT ME and start planning and start moving forward. Hear what I have spoken over your lives, even the impossible things – and start PRAYING. Start making plans to walk in those areas. I, the Lord, will cause provisions to start coming in your lives, your businesses, this House. I will bring a greater freedom for you to go forward and build, build, build – for you are KINGDOM BUILDERS!
The Lord says He’s found you to be a good investment and He’s going to keep investing in your life! 

There is a worship anointing also in this house that is doubling. I am going to restore a purity of worship and a place of life that will come out of here for many. For the Lord is going to release the sound of heaven out of this house, but also a sound of the DNA of people – for the song of the Father and the DNA of man is going to come alive and is going to come out of here as well.

There are many song writers in this place. There are many psalmists in this place. There is creativity in this place. The Lord is going to empower this creativity. Even the world is going to want this creativity you have. They will come from other places to learn about it.

Would all the Worship Teams/all creatives stand. I want to speak over you one of the words. There is a fire and a power that is going to surround you. I see music rising within each of you. I hear the Lord saying that He is placing within you the heart of David and a heart of passion that rises within. The Lord says HE is going to release even the kind of worship to reverse the waters flowing from you – but worship that comes and releases Passion for the Lord and releases the heart of the Bride. There is a worship that is going to arise within you and in this house, that will cause people to come to the Lord and walk into salvation! Each of you will see that power being released in you! The worship will partner with evangelism.

The enemy has tried to put a lid on the well of creativity. GOD has given you a wonderful gift of creativity and the creative arts are to start flowing out of you – each of you – in many ways, different expressions. I saw the prophetic dance and prophetic songs. I see some of you writing – there is a psalmist anointing that God is beginning to stir.


This house will gather the stewards of the Kingdom. For there are many stewards and they are scattered around. And they need to be gathered and they need to be raised. For the Lord is going to use you to raise them, to find them and prepare them. There are going to be those are called to train and equip and they have been trying to do it in other places, but it hasn't opened up. God is going to gather them here.

For there is a teaching mantle also in here, on this house and many are going to come and be trained. The Lord is going to send nations to you.  

Particularly many people from Europe are going to come to this house. For the Lord is going to use you to train and equip and send out of here. For this place will be an Antioch for the Kingdom. A place from here to the nations, to the Mountains, from here to the Valleys, to the desert, to the wilderness. From the farthest places of the earth – there is going to be a release.  


For there are those that The Lord is going to bring transfer growth happening here. It's going to be a God thing He's arranging -- it's not you guys. God is bringing them here, because there are many who are in other places, but they are in the wrong place. They carry the DNA of this house, so God is going to gather those that have the DNA of this house and bring them here. So do not worry when some people come from other places, do not worry about transfer because God is rearranging it. He is going to do it. The lord is going to release those who have been calling out and crying out for the 'more' and the doors of 'the more' are in this place!

Also there are going to be visitations – I saw heaven visiting, particularly in your house. There is a visitation of heaven in your house that is going to increase. There is a well in your house, for supernatural visitation, for angelic and heaven. There is going to be a greater anointing than anyone could have ever imagined in your house – the encounters of heaven are going to increase, and the power of God is going to move in those areas.

The Lord says, "Even in this House I am depositing an impartation like John the Baptist had and the wells that John the Baptist had  -- that prophetic anointing, the revelatory anointing, that evangelistic anointing is in here." The Lord is going to release that well, for this house is going to be a proclaimer for the coming of the Lord and the preparation of the return of the Lord. The Lord has released a trumpet in this house to prepare the land for his coming. Not just to prepare for his returning, but his visitation, for encounters, for releasing. You are going to prepare both for the coming of the Lord and his return but also for his visitation.
This is a house of visitation. This is a house where angels dwell. This is a place where heaven moves. I hear the Lord says He is going to increase His presence in here. You are going to see a releasing of light. It’s going to shift forward. People are going to see it, even from other places. The light is going to come up. They will come and say, "Where is this light coming from?" They are going to find it – even airplanes are going to notice the light that shines from this house.

New levels of the prophetic are going to be released in this place.
STAND if you are called to walk in the prophetic gifting: The Lord says there is a prophetic anointing in each of you being stirred in greater ways! God is going to release a seers anointing in greater ways, that will cause some of you to enter into the realms of the supernatural – yes even heavenly visitations. Some of that is already happening to some of you. But what is coming, what is coming is a FULLNESS of the release. The lord is bringing an impartation over your life, greater than what you have been experiencing. Dreams and visions are going to increase in a greater way. For some of you it is going to make it hard for you to even sleep properly because the prophetic dreams just keep flowing and flowing and flowing. Some of you are already experiencing this, but not in the way it’s coming! There is an opening over your life that is going to be powerful, and you will speak to others about the mysteries of the Lord. The Lord says, "The Spirit of Revelation is coming upon you."
Many of you also have the mind of a scholar within you as well. You have a mind of understanding within you. God is going to start bringing you revelation of His Word because there are some that you are to come into contact with that are learned men and women of the land, who are filled with knowledge but not revelation. YOU will have an understanding of the Word and speak to them like Paul did. 

I saw people walking in here, wrapped up as 'mummies' – coming completely bound up... and you can release them – with so many people you just pull the string... and everything comes off.

The Lord has released many freedoms in the house. The Lord has anointed the people of this house to be givers of Life. There is a father and mother anointing in this house for the Kingdom of God. . The Lord is going to send many people here who have been wounded by Father’s and Mothers – it's naturally and also spiritually.  Many who have been abused by leaders, are going to come here and the Lord is going to restore trust. And then they are going to go from here and release the same healing in other places.

God is going to bring a new wave of fathers and mothers – and they are not going to be father’s and mother’s by age, but by their calling and hearts! 

STAND if you feel God has called you to ‘father and mother’.. and don’t be falsely modest.. don’t be afraid you’re going to be asked to do something. THIS is about your heart .. your heart to represent the Father, to see those around you healed by his love:   Stand..  ‘ Lord God Almighty.. THANKYOU for the call in our lives to be father’s and mothers.  Thankyou for the ones already in this house and the ones coming and joining on line. The Lord says YOU have been given His heart to love and accept the prodigals.. the lost.. the new babes.  You have already been doing this and because of that He is going to let you be a place of safety, a place of refuge to them..  For some of you, the Lord says you have already made your households  a place of refuge. He has seen you… and He is pleased.   He is going to raise you up to be a safety net underneath the harvest that He is bringing to this house, and into the Kingdom, you will be a place where they know they can come and be accepted and loved. Some of you have already been doing this and because you have, the Lord says He will send you ones that have already gotten it together, to help you!  

The Lord is also raising  up children in this house There is going to be a movement of  little ones, of  12 and under. He is going to anoint them in a new way. There is going to be a fire, particularly  for evangelism in them. They are going to be preachers of the Word – carriers of the power of God.

Parents/ and those who have felt called to work with children or pray for them,  will you stand:   Let me speak/pray this over you:  There is a release of children.  The Lord wants to give this house  an army of children.  There is going to arise a prophetic anointing for the children.  Ministry teams of children – arising, praying for the sic, ministering to the people, ministering to adults, even out in the streets and in their schools. Yes, God is using some of them in the schools.  They will bring a harvest, bringing their friends into church – into relationship with the Father. Strategy is going to come – to know how to disciple them and how to raise them, how to release the.  It will not be difficult, but it will be unique.  


There are many leaders in this house. God has called this house, a house of leaders. There is Apostolic authority in this house and the people of this house,  carry that authority – the apostolic authority.

There are many stallions  here that need to be released to the fields. The Stallions are ready to go. I hear the Lord saying, open up the gates and let them run to the fields because it is the day now, when the stallions will move forward and there will be room for new stallions to come in and be trained and equipped.  You will always have stallions in training, in here. It is not easy to train stallions because they are might and strong and at time a bit stubborn, because they know who they are and what they carry. IT takes very special people to train stallions and God has found you to be that way, to be the people that can train the stallions and for this place to be a house for  them. For the stallions gather others outside. When they got to the fields, they are natural born leaders – they're followed.


This will be a place where the retired intercessors are going to be drawn.  They retired on their own – God did not retire them. Time to bring them back .  God will give you strategies in prayer.  STAND:   The Lord says I am strategically organizing my army and I am aligning you with those you will stand side by side with.  You who pray have stood firm, believing in Me, trusting in Me, looking to Me in this intense time that you have been facing.  I am in the midst of it with you. I am in the fire with ou. You are NEVER, ever alone, though it may feel that way at times.  I, the Lord, am interceding for YOU- each of YOU- every step of the way. I am watching over you and your family.  You will know the right things to do when it is time.  Don’t worry or fret.  I have heard your cries for the lost, for your prodigals.  I have seen your tears, and know that I have held you and even cried with you.  But do not stop believing in Me.  You are my prize. You thrill My heart.  The fruit till be good and my kingdom will be expanded because of what you have gone through in intercession.  The Lord would give you VISION and FAITH again to continue to dig and use your shovels to dig in prayer!  To dig in your pursuit of the Father! He will give you strength and grace to purpose the vision that is in your heart – that will be fulfilled . Keep your eyes on ME!  Watch and wait for what I’m about to do! Allow Me to prepare your hearts to facilitate my presence.  The Lord says to persevere!  Hold on!  Never mind what things were! Never mind what things are or what they look like, but look instead of what they WILL BE! 


Let’s all stand and receive this word… God you have promised us the Nations, and we say YES!.. You have said there are church planters and revivalists among us – and we say YES!  You have promised us the prodigals and the lost to find the way to our house and we say YES! You have promised us healing, both physical, emotional and mental, and we say YES!  You have promised us Creativity, in both worship and the arts.. and we say YES!  You have promised us revelations, strategies, and visitations, and we say YES!  


There is an apostolic/evangelistic anointing in this house.  A place of training and equipping people for the work of the Kingdom . Again I heard the Lord say, ‘ do no think we are small’.  Do not think we are little. Do not say,  what can we do? The Lord says even though you are small, you are faithful and you have been found faithful before Him. The Lord says just as you have been found faithful before Him, He’s going to be faithful to you and faithful to do the impossible things He’s spoken over your lives.  He is going to speak over you and through you to touch the hearts of many. He’s going to open door for you, that no man can open.  

And all God’s people said, AMEN!!  


Prayer / Proclamation over our City *
Repent – Request – Resist

On the basis of scripture, I stand for the River, and leaders of this city. I stand as
a representative of Abbotsford, and I chose to repent, request and resist!

We repent. We ask the Lord to forgive us the sins that have taken place in this
province, and this valley, and specifically tis city. We ask for forgiveness of the sins
of political corruption, racial prejudice, moral sins, witchcraft, occult and idolatry.
We pray the blood of Jesus to cleans our hands from the shedding of innocent
blood. We ask forgiveness for the sins of the tongue, anything that has hurt the
cause of Christ. We repent and humble ourselves and ask for mercy to be poured
out on our land, our community and our churches.

We request: We ask for God’s kingdom to come, and His will to be done in this
city. We ask in the Name of Jesus for an outpouring of grace, and mercy and fire,
for true spiritual revival to come and cover our community, causing a turning back
to God, a cleansing and a brokenness, and a humility. We ask for a restoration of
the foundations of righteousness in this city. We ask for a supernatural unity
among the pastors, leaders and churches, that our city might be the light God
intended it to be.

We also resist: On the basis of my ( our) submission to God, by faith, I resist the
enemy and his works, all forces and powers of evil that have taken hold in this
city. We resist the spirit of darkness, the hidden and secret places where the
enemy has set up encampments. WE call on the name of the Lord to destroy all
spiritual strongholds. We proclaim this day, that HIS city, especially this region
and valley, is now under the power and ownership of the Holy Spirit. All other
spirits are hereby given notice, and evicted from this property by by the power of
the name of Jesus. Today, we stand in the gap and build a hedge of protection
around this city!

( * taken from Tommy Tenney ‘God Chasers’ )

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